JKBOSE Prospectus 2023-24: Download PDF Here

Objectives of Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) and Learner’s Responsibilities

Objectives of JKBOSE:
The primary objectives of JKBOSE are to provide an alternative system of education to dropout children who have missed the benefits of formal schooling. Other objectives include offering sound and relevant education through open learning systems such as distance education and correspondence courses to prioritized groups. JKBOSE aims to provide opportunities for dropout children to rejoin the mainstream education system and equip them with the necessary competencies and qualifications to become successful citizens. Furthermore, it aims to maintain standards of equivalence with the formal education system while retaining its own distinct character.

Learner’s Responsibilities at a Glance:

  1. Read the instructions carefully before filling out admission application forms.
  2. Ensure all columns in the application form are filled out.
  3. Submit the application form with the required supporting documents.
  4. Pay only the prescribed fee mentioned in the application form and avoid paying any extra amount to anyone.
  5. Attend the Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs) provided by Accredited Institutions in each subject.
  6. Submit at least one Tutor/Teacher Marked Assignment (TMA) in each subject, where applicable, to avoid being debarred from public examinations or having incomplete results.

Target Group/Prioritized Group:
JKBOSE programs are open to all individuals residing anywhere in India, subject to the administrative convenience of JK State Open School/Accredited Institutions (Study Centre). The prioritized groups for JKBOSE include formal school dropouts and failures, non-formal school dropouts, individuals who have never enrolled, unemployed and partly employed adults, SC/STs, rural and urban poor, and neo-literates.

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Features & Flexibilities in JKSOS:
JKSOS provides student support services through a network of study centers (accredited institutions), including conducting Personal Contact Programs (PCPs), public examinations, evaluations, and certifications. The courses are offered in English medium, and candidates must pass a minimum of five subjects to obtain a pass certificate. Candidates have the choice to select subjects as per the scheme of studies provided by JKBOSE for academic courses at the secondary (10th) and higher secondary (12th) levels.

24: Download PDF Here

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