JKPSC Result for Various Written Test Posts

JKPSC Result for Various Written Test Posts

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 In pursuance of Rule 42 of J&K Public Service Commission (Conduct of Examinations) Rules, 2022 read with Rule 31 of J&K Public Service Commission (Business & Procedure) Rules, 2021, the candidates as per Annexure-A to this notification are hereby declared to have qualified for the Oral Test/Viva Voce for the posts of Assistant Legal Remembrancer/District Litigation Officer in Department of Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs on the basis of their performance in the Written Tests which was held on 22.01.2023. The notification with respect to the dates of Interview/Viva-Voce shall be notified separately


i. For checking the result, candidates are advised to access the official website of the Commission i.e. http://www.jkpsc.nic.in. ii. The candidature of candidates shown in Annexure -A is purely provisional The documents of the candidates will be verified at the time of interview and in case any discrepancy with regard to age/qualification/experience and other eligibility condition is noticed at the time of interview or thereafter, the candidate shall not be allowed to appear in the interview or where the candidate has already appeared in the interview, the candidature shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab-initio

iii. Only eligible candidates, possessing requisite qualification prescribed under rules, shall be allowed to appear in the Oral Test/Viva-Voce subject to the condition that they are within the prescribed age limit on the cut-off date. The candidates shall produce their original certificates/testimonials on the date of oral test/Viva-Voce.

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