Provisional Panchayat Secretary Written Exam Answer Key -The Panchayat Secretary post within the Rural Development Department’s District Cadres was filled through a written examination that was recently administered by the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB). On December 10, 2023, this examination was conducted as stated in Notification No. 03 Of 2022 under Item Nos. 059 to 077.
Attached to this notice as Annexure “A” is the Provisional Answer Key for the question paper, which is divided into Series A, B, C, and D. It is recommended that candidates check the answers provided for their records.
Applicants who object to the answer key may use the template or proforma that is attached as Annexure “B” to submit their objections or comments regarding certain questions. Candidates should also include hard copies of any supporting documentation for their claims, along with a fee of RS. 200/-per question (in the form of a demand draft), which is refundable in the event that the objection is found to be valid or accurate. The J&K Services Selection Board’s Accounts Officer shall be included as the beneficiary of the demand draft.
The Answer Key for each applicant will be updated if it is determined that the objections are legitimate. However, the acceptance or rejection of a candidate’s objections will not be communicated to the specific candidate.
Within three working days beginning on December 11, 2023, during office hours only, objections and representations must be submitted offline at the JKSSB office, which is located at either CPO Chowk, Panjtirthi, Jammu, or JKSSB, Zamzam Building, Rambagh, Srinagar. After the deadline or via any other method, the Board will not consider any comments or complaints.