Samagra Shiksha under PM Shri Scheme Provisional lists

Samagra Shiksha under PM Shri Scheme Provisional lists of eligible candidates for the posts of Special Education Teacher on Contractual basis in the Directorate of Samagra Shiksha under PM Shri Scheme.

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Whereas, vide this office Notification No. 01 of 2023 Dated-:20-12-2023, applications were invited through online mode on the prescribed format for filling up 69 posts of Special Education Teacher (le. 35 in Jammu Division and 34 in Kashmir Division) on contractual basis and on consolidated salary as mentioned in the notification; and

Whereas, the said notification was uploaded on website of Samagra Shiksha and was also published in the leading newspapers namely Daily Excelsior, Truly times and Amar Ujala; and.

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Whereas, the last date for submission of online applications, as per the said notification on the web portal was fixed as 5th January, 2024 and 6208 applications were received in pursuance to the said notification; and

Whereas, after the preliminary scrutiny of the applications, 6017 candidates were found to be ineligible and only 191 candidates were found eligible as per the defined eligibility criteria mentioned in the aforementioned notification; and

Whereas, vide this office notice, issued under endorsement No. Edu/PD/SmS/IE/451-454 dated 13-01-2024, the lists of eligible and ineligible candidates were notified and the same was placed on the website and objections were invited from the candidates with regard to their eligibility within a period of 03 days; and

Whereas, in response to the above, 43 objections were received from the candidates through email as notified in the notice dated 13-01-2024 and after examining their objections 03 more candidates were found eligible, making it 194 candidates eligible in total;

Whereas, on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates as per their documents uploaded with the application form and as per the selection criteria as notified in the aforementioned advertisement notification, accordingly the provisional merit list of the 103 number for Jammu Division and 91 candidates for Kashmir Division, has been framed and enclosed herewith as Annexure A & Annexure B respectively.

Therefore, the provisional lists are hereby notified in respect of both Divisions for

the information of all candidates who have applied for the post in general and the provisionally

selected candidates in particular on the basis of their merit. The candidates from serial number 1

to 40 (Annexure-A) and the candidates from serial number 1 to 40 (Annexure-B) are advised

to approach the Committee constituted in the Directorate of Samagra Shiksha at Jammu office

1.e. Opposite Gurudwara, NH By-pass Road, Channi Rama, Jammu, on all working

days between 11:00 AM to 4.00 PM, with their original documents/marks lists as mentioned

in the advertisement notification and the photocopies of the same duly self-attested, for

Download Provisional lists under PM Shri Scheme here

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