SCERT-JK Releases Revised Academic Calendar and Syllabus for Classes 1-8, Including Class 4 English (Chant IV)
The State Council of Educational Research and Training, Jammu and Kashmir (SCERT-JK), has issued a notification (No. SCERT/C/Asstt-Cell/2023/1296-1343(E-715623) dated 11.04.2023) regarding the Academic Calendar Cum Syllabus for classes up to 8th. However, the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education, through its notification (No.F(Acad-C)/Rev-New/Tbs/23, dated 27.05.2023), has introduced the Chant IV series (English) for Class 4 starting from the current academic session (2023-24).
To align with these changes, SCERT-JK has meticulously aligned the contents of the Chant IV textbook with the desired learning outcomes. Consequently, a revised Syllabus cum Academic Calendar has been prepared specifically for Class 4 English (Chant IV).
The revised “Syllabus-cum-Academic Calendar for Academic Session 2023-24” for Class 4 English (Chant IV) can be accessed on the official website of SCERT JKUT at This release has been made with the approval of the competent authority.
The syllabus has been thoughtfully designed to provide students with a comprehensive and balanced understanding of the subjects. It aims to equip them with effective communication skills, analytical abilities, informed decision-making capabilities, and the ability to shape their worldview in accordance with constitutional values. Furthermore, the syllabus emphasizes the development of 21st-century skills, creating an environment where students feel independent, safe, and comfortable in their learning journey.
In order to achieve these goals, it is crucial for students to acquire sufficient knowledge and skills in other core areas such as Health and Physical Education, Life Skills, Value Education, Art Education, Work Education, and other co-scholastic domains. The syllabus will serve as a valuable guide for both teachers and students, enabling them to plan their educational endeavors effectively and attain the desired learning competencies.