Final Seniority list of Chief Prosecuting Officers in jk

Government Order No. 469-Home of 2023 Dated: 26.09.2023

Whereas, a tentative Seniority list of Chief Prosecuting Officers of the Jammu and Kashmir Prosecution Service, as per the list forming Annexure A to the Government Order No. 280-Home of 2023 dated 25.05.2023, was issued, for inviting objections to the inter-se seniority position assigned to them; and

Whereas, 06 representations were received within the stipulated time, which have been examined in the Home Department. The examination with reference to the issue(s) raised in the representation, is forming Annexure B to this government Order, and.

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Now, therefore, a final seniority list of the Chief Prosecuting Officers of the Jammu and Kashmir Prosecution Service as per the list forming Annexure A to this Government order is hereby notified for information of all concerned. This shall be without prejudice to the outcome of the writ petition(s)/O.As/Appeals, pending in any competent courts(s) of law. The date of birth recorded in the seniority list shall in no manner be construed as final and shall be subject to verification from service book/date of birth certificates of the concerned officers.

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