Fresh Weather Forecast Next 7 days in Jammu and Kashmir

Weather Update for Jammu and Kashmir (July 16, 2023):

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Current Conditions:

  • Raining in Srinagar, Bandipore, Ganderbal, Phalgam-HolyCave, Banihal.
  • Overcast to Cloudy in the rest of the places.


  • Today: Generally cloudy with 1-2 spells of rain expected in most places in Kashmir and scattered places in the Jammu region during the forenoon.
  • 17th to 20th: Rain or thundershowers likely at scattered places in Jammu and Kashmir, expected during early morning, late afternoon, or evening.
  • 21st to 22nd: Intermittent light to moderate rain or thundershowers anticipated at scattered places in both Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Overall, there is NO forecast of any major rainfall until the 25th.

Warning: No significant warnings for the region at present.

Meteorological Center’s Comment: This is the current weather situation in Jammu and Kashmir. The forecast indicates that there will be occasional rain and thundershowers in some areas over the next few days. There are no indications of major rainfall events until the 25th.

Please note that weather conditions can change, and it is always best to stay updated with the latest forecasts and advisories from the local authorities. Stay safe and take necessary precautions during adverse weather conditions.

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