Government Medical College AnantnagJunior Staff Nurse list out

Government Medical College, Anantnag
Junior Staff Nurse list out.

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On the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the written test held on 26.02.2023 for selection/engagement of the candidates as Junior Staff Nurses on academic arrangement basis under S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27.11.2020, the candidates indicated in annexure (A) to this notification have been shortlisted for document verification.

Accordingly, all the shortlisted candidates are directed to report this office alongwith all original certificates/ testimonials on 11.11.2023 and also bring along self attested photocopies of all required documents including hardcopy of the application form.

Any candidate having objection with regard to his/her placement/ non- inclusion in the shortlist list may represent before the undersigned by or before 11.11.2023 alongwith documentary proof.


(I) only those candidates shall be considered for final selection/ engagement who fulfil all the notified eligibility parameters.

(II) Mere figuring of name in the shortlist shall not entitle a candidate for engagement which shall be subject to the scrutiny of all required testimonials.

(III) The following procedure will be followed to break the tie in the merit

obtained in the written test:- (a) In case of tie in the merit, the candidate who is elder in age will be given preference.

(b) If the point (a) does not break the tie, then in case of tie between Degree and Diploma holders, the Degree holder will be given preference. Similarly, if qualification is also equal then the candidates having higher percentage of marks in the Degree/diploma will be given preference.

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