Extension Notice for submission of offline Permission cum Examination Forms for SSE (Class 10th) and HSP-II (Class 12th) Annual (Pvt)/Bi Annual Examination 2023.
In order to safeguard academic interests of the candidates who could not submit their permission cum examination forms, it is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that the dates for submission of offline permission cum examination Forms for Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) and Higher Secondary Part-l (Class 12th) Annual (Pvt)/Bi-Annual Examination 2023
has been extended for three more days with effect from 24-08-2023 to 26-08-2023 with a token fine of Rs.500/- per candidate in addition to the last prescribed fee including late fee. In view of Bank Holiday on 26-08-2023 and Sunday on 27-08-2023, the concerned Institutions/Schools can, as such, deposit the requisite fee up to 28-08-2023.
Note-The other terms and conditions as envisaged in the previous notifications shall remain same.