jk Appointment as Depot Assistant (MTS) in Food, Civil Supplies

jk Appointment as Depot Assistant (MTS) in Food, Civil Supplies

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Sub: Appointment of candidates as Depot Assistant (MTS) in Food, Civil Supplies &

Consumer Affairs Department Kashmir under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package

for Kashmiri Migrants and Non- Migrants Kashmiri Pandits


1. Administrative Department’s letter No. FCS&CA/Estt/69/2019 dated 15.10.2021

2. SSP/ Dy. Superintendent of Police (Hors) For Special DG CID J&K Form No.26679 dated


3. SSP/ Dy. Superintendent of Police (Hars) For Special DG CID J&K Form No.28675 dated

4. SSP/ Dy. Superintendent of Police (Hars) For Special DG CID J&K Form No 28678 dated



5. SSP/ Dy. Superintendent of Police (Hars) For Special DG CID J&K Form No.28713 dated


6. SSP/ Dy Superintendent of Police (Hars) For Special DG CID J&K Form No.39356 dated


7. SSP/ Dy. Superintendent of Police (Hars) For Special DG CID J&K Form No.39357 dated 13.02.2023

Order No: -660-DFCS&CAK of 2023

Dated: 07-03-2023 Consequent upon non joining of candidates/non-submission of verification rolls by candi- dates of the selection/ waiting list within the stipulated time period, recommendations made by J&K Service Selection Board communicated vide their letter No. SSB/Secy/Se1/2021/7046-53 dated 14.10.2021 read with Administrative Department’s letter referred to above and subsequent receipt of satisfactory Character/Antecedents verification report from Criminal Investigation Department J&K vide letters referred to above, sanction is hereby accorded to the temporary appointment of Six (06) candidates of the waiting list as detailed in the annexure to this order as Depot Assistant Multitasking Staff carrying substantive pay level of Rs.14800-47100 (SL-1) under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Special Package for Kashmin Migrants and Non-Migrant Kashmiri Pandits.

The appointment of the appointees shall be subject to the following conditions –

a. That the emoluments of the appointee shall be governed under S.O 194 dated 17.06.2020 as

extended vide government order No. 586 JK GAD of 2021 dated 17.07.2021. b. That the appointee shall give an undertaking in the shape of an affidavit to the effect that if on verification, genuineness of the qualification, migrant, domicile and category (if any) certifi- cates from the concerned issuing authority are found fake/forged, the claim of the appointee for appointment shall be deemed to have been cancelled abi-initio c. The salary of the appointee shall be drawn and disbursed by the concerned Drawing and

Disbursing Officer after receipt of satisfactory report in respect of documents as mentioned at


d. The interse-seniority of the appointee shall be as per the list as communicated Selection Board.

by J&K Service

e. The appointment and other terms and conditions shall be dated 30.12 2009 issued by

Revenue Department.

The appointment of the candidate shall be governed by the vide SRO-400 of 2009 dated


g. The appointment is subject to the outcome of any writ petitions (s) if any pending before ofcompetent jurisdiction.. The appointee shall report to the Assistant Directors – Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer

Affairs, Kashmir as shown against each and shall be allowed to join only on production of the fol- lowing documents/ certificates (in original) wherever applicable to be verified subsequently- 1. Academic Qualification Certificate(s).

2. Date of Birth Certificate.


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