LIC ADO 2023 9394 Posts Notification Out: Exam Date,

 LIC ADO 2023 9394 Posts Notification Out: Exam Date,

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LIC ADO 2023 9394 Posts Notification Out: Exam Date,

LIC ADO 2023 9394 Posts Notification Out: 

The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has announced the 2023 Apprentice Development Officer (ADO) Exam to recruit suitable candidates for the government sector. The LIC ADO 2023 notification is available for all 8 zones. The recruitment details have been provided in this article.

The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has published the LIC ADO Notification 2023 for all 8 zones, announcing a total of 9,394 vacancies for the post of Apprentice Development Officer. The notification invites eligible and qualified Indian citizens to apply online for the opportunity to be selected and appointed as an Apprentice Development Officer in various Divisional Offices across the country

This is a fantastic opportunity for candidates to join the government sector through one of the most reputed insurance exams. The LIC ADO 2023 Notification provides complete details regarding the recruitment process, eligibility criteria, and other important information related to the exam.

Lic Important Dates

LIC has announced the schedule for the 2023 Apprentice Development Officer (ADO) Recruitment, as well as the LIC ADO Notification 2023. The online application process for the LIC ADO Recruitment 2023 began on January 21, 2023, and can be accessed through the official LIC website ( According to the LIC ADO Notification 2023, the deadline for submitting applications is February 10, 2023. The significant dates for the LIC ADO 2023 Exam are available here.

Online Application for LIC ADO 2023


As indicated in the LIC ADO official Notification 2023, the online application process for the 2023 Apprentice Development Officer exam has begun on January 21, 2023. The LIC ADO Apply Online link has been made available by the officials for the convenience of candidates who wish to register for the exam. According to the LIC ADO Notification, the deadline for submitting applications is February 10, 2023.

All eligible candidates who wish to participate in the exam can do so by accessing the link provided below. This is a great opportunity for individuals to join the government sector through one of the most highly regarded insurance exams. The online application process is simple and straightforward, making it easy for candidates to apply before the deadline.

LIC ADO Recruitment 2023 Overview 

LIC ADO Recruitment 2023
OrganizationLife Insurance Corporation (LIC)
PostsApprentice Development Officer
CategoryGovt Jobs
Application ModeOnline
Registration Dates21st January to 10th February 2023
Educational QualificationGraduation
Age Limit21 to 30 years
Selection ProcessPrelims, Mains, and Interview
SalaryRs. 51500/-

LIC ADO 2023 Eligibility Requirements:

Nationality: Candidates must be citizens of India.

Education Qualification (as of January 1, 2023): Applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree in any field from a recognized university in India established under a statute/approved by the government or have a Fellowship from Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.

Age Limit (as of January 1, 2023): Candidates must be between 21 to 30 years of age, with birth dates falling between January 2, 1993 and January 1, 2002 (both days inclusive)

To apply online for the LIC ADO Recruitment 2023, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official LIC website at
  2. On the homepage, navigate to “Careers” section.
  3. Find and click on the LIC Apprentice Development Officer Notification and select “Apply Online.”
  4. Provide your name, email address, and mobile number for registration.
  5. You will receive a provisional registration number and password through email and SMS.
  6. Log in using the provided credentials to complete the application form.
  7. Fill in personal, academic, and communication details accurately.
  8. Upload necessary documents such as your photograph, signature, and left-hand thumb impression.
  9. Pay the application fee through online mode after verifying the details.
  10. Download and save a copy of the LIC ADO 2023 application form for future reference.

LIC ADO 2023 Salary (Compensation)

Upon appointment as a Probationary Development Officer, the basic pay is set at Rs. 35,650 per month (excluding Employee Category candidates) and falls under the salary scale of Rs. 35,650-2200(2)-40,050-2595(2)-45,240-2645(17)-90,205, along with other eligible allowances as per regulations. The minimum total earnings on the scale, inclusive of House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance (as applicable based on city classification), will be approximately Rs. 56,000 in an ‘A’ Class City.
Other benefits include gratuity, a defined contributory pension scheme, LTC, medical benefits, group insurance, group personal accident insurance, vehicle advance (2-wheeler/4-wheeler), reimbursement for the cost of a briefcase/leather bag, mobile handset, daily supply as per rules, and attractive performance-linked incentives after confirmation of service.

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