Whereas, the Advertisement Notice for hiring of “Cluster Resource Coordinators for Teaching Support” till end of Academic Session 2023-24 (31 March, 2024) for Government High & Higher Secondary Schools was issued vide Directorate of School Education Kashmir Notification No. 01-DSEK of 2023 dated 09-08-2033 under endorsement No. DSEK/PS/154 dated 09/09/2023
Whereas, District wise, Subject wise Merit lists was published vide Directorate
of School Education Kashmir Notification No. DSEK/Gar/Estt-1/6140-54 dated 09-09-
2023 and was made available on official website of Directorate of School Education
Kashmir Le, www.deel nie in for seeking objections/comments regarding the Merit
lists for any subject in any district Whereas, it was also notified vide notification supra that the Merit list published have been prepared as per the data provided in the Application Forms and final selection of the candidates is subject to the verification of the information contained in their submitted application/documents, by the Committee to be constituted for the purpose
Whereas, Directorate of School Education Kashmir vide Order No. 213-DSEK of
2023 dased 01-09-2023 constituted a committee for verification of
certificates/evaluation of documents of the candidates who had applied for Cluster
Resource Coordinators for Teaching Support, headed by Joint Director (concerned)
along with CEO concerned and Deputy CEO/DEPO as Members. The committee was
authorized to co-opt any member for timely completion of the assignment.
Whereas, this office vide Order No. CEO/Pul/Oar/2023/250/2838-40 dated
13-09-2023 followed by Order No. CEO/Pal/Gas/23/25/3856-58 dated 14-09-2023
co-opted multiple members with the mandate to scrutinize and verify the documenta
submitted by the applicants for hiring of Chuster Resource Coordinators for Teaching
Whereas, after scrutinization of documents by the designated committee, some discrepancies were observed in respect of some of the candidates on the basis of the actual documents uploaded and the information provided by the candidates resulting in framing of revised merit list
Now therefore, this notification is published for the information of all stakeholders that the revised/redrawn merit list approved by the committee constituted for the purpose, is available on the official website of District Administration Pulwama ie, pulwama gov in and also available in the office of the undersigned for inviting objections, if any, the same shall be submitted in the office of undersigned within a period of 03 (Three) days from the date of publication of this notification with cogent documentary proof, failing which no claim whatsoever shall be entertained after the expiry of the given stipulated.
CEO Pulwama has released the Revised Merit List of Candidates who’ve applied for the Posts of Cluster Resource Coordinators in different Subjects.Objections, if any, to the revised Merit List shall be reported to the concerned office within 3 Days