Recipe for Oats Dahi Masala:Today we have brought one such healthy breakfast for you, the recipe is very easy to make!

Recipe for Oats Dahi Masala:Today we have brought one such healthy breakfast for you, the recipe is very easy to make!

Recipe for Oats Dahi Masala:Today we have brought one such healthy breakfast for you

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Recipe for oats Dahi Masala: Today we have brought one such healthy breakfast for you, which takes only about 15 minutes to prepare. Let’s know the recipe of Oats Dahi Masala.

Oats Dahi Masala Recipe: Is the biggest question for you everyday what to eat healthy for breakfast? And thinking of you every day makes you skip breakfast. However, do you know that skipping breakfast daily is very harmful for health. That’s why it is also advised by the doctors that breakfast which is full of energy should be taken in the morning.

If you do not do this, then in a few days you will start getting tired of doing any work. That’s why keep in mind that you have to have breakfast daily, during this time what you are eating is also to be taken care of. A healthy breakfast keeps you energetic throughout the day and you feel fresh.

Today we have brought one such healthy breakfast for you, which takes only about 15 minutes to prepare. Vegetable-rich Oats Dahi Masala is as healthy as it is easy to make (How to make Oats Dahi Masala). Let us tell you about its ingredients and method.

Oats Dahi Masala Ingredients

 Oats (1 cup)

 Tomato (1 chopped)

 Onion (1 chopped)

 Carrot (1 cut)

 Curd (1/2 cup)

 Capsicum (1 chopped)

 Cumin (1/2 tsp)

 Curry leaves (4-5)

 Dry Red Chilli (1)

 salt to taste

 Black pepper (1/2 tsp)

 Black Mustard (1/2 tsp)

 Red chili powder (1/2 tsp)

Oats Dahi Masala Recipe Method

1.First boil the oats till they become soft.

2.On the other hand, boil the chopped

3.vegetables in water by adding salt.

4.Once the oats are soft, take them out in a bowl.

5.After this, take out the boiled vegetables as well.

6.Now mix the boiled vegetables with curd in a bowl.

7.Mix salt, chaat masala and red chili powder in it.

8.Now put a pan on the gas and put hot oil in it.

When the oil is hot, add mustard seeds, curry leaves, cumin seeds and whole dry red chilies.

9.In this way a tadka will be prepared which can be added to the oats and mixed.

10 After this, add the tempering oats to the bowl containing the vegetable and curd mix.

11.In this way oats curd masala will be ready.

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