SKUAST JRF Job Vacancies -Applications are invited from eligible candidates for a contractual position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) co-terminus with the project in SERB-SURE, DST (Govt. of India) funded project entitled “Microbiota, Field oriented and Marker based diagnosis of Sub clinical Endometritis as a cause of Repeat breeding in temperate Himalayan region Kashmir” as per the terms and conditions of the funding agency and the University.
Name of the post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
How to apply:
Applications with detailed CV, qualification and research experience shall reach to the undersigned at Division of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, F.V.Sc. & A.H., Shuhama by or before 30/12/2023.
The interview date shall be communicated to eligible candidates separately through email.
For details visit university website: www.
Shuhama, Alusteing, Srinagar-190 006