SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir Home Department has released the selection list of candidates for the post of Prosecuting Officer (G) in the JK Prosecution Services Department. The list was received from the J&K Public Service Commission and contains 70 names across open merit, reserved, and other categories.
According to the notice, the selected candidates have been informed to submit their email addresses and mobile numbers to the Directorate of Prosecution in Jammu/Srinagar within seven days. This is required for registration under the Employee Verification System (EVS) for verification of their character and antecedents.
The selection has been made as per Circular No. 18-JK(GAD) 2022 dated 20.05.2022 issued by the J&K General Administration Department. The notice provides the roll number, name, parentage, address, category, date of birth and merit of the selected candidates.
The Home Department has requested the Director General of Prosecution, J&K to designate nodal officers in Jammu and Srinagar directorates to facilitate the verification process of all selected candidates. The notice has been published in leading dailies of Jammu and Srinagar for the information of candidates.