New Delhi: Reliance Jio introduced two new affordable data packs for its customers, allowing them to enjoy uninterrupted internet connectivity even after surpassing their daily data limit. These new plans, priced at Rs 19 and Rs 29, can be used in conjunction with existing base prepaid plans. They are specifically designed for users who have exhausted their daily data allocation and would otherwise have to wait until the next day for high-speed internet access.
These plans bear similarities to Airtel’s additional data packs, which cost Rs 19 and Rs 29, and provide 1 GB and 2 GB of data for a day. However, unlike Airtel’s packs, Jio’s data packs do not expire at the end of the day.
Let’s delve deeper into the details of these data packs:
Reliance Jio Data Pack of Rs 19:
This is the second most affordable data plan in Jio’s lineup, offering 1.5 GB of data with the same validity as the current prepaid pack. Jio also has a Rs 15 data plan that provides 1 GB of data. By paying an additional mere Rs 4, users can obtain an extra 500 MB of data.
Reliance Jio Rs 29 Data Pack:
Another prepaid data pack priced at Rs 29 provides 2.5 GB of data. The validity of this plan matches the active base prepaid plan on the respective number. Previously, there was a pack priced at Rs 25, offering 2 GB of data. Now, users can obtain an additional 500 MB by paying an extra Rs 4.