JKBOPEE Releases Provisional Selection List for MD/MS Ayurveda – 2023 –Provisional Selection List of eligible candidates for admission to MD/MS Ayurveda – 2023 in Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research (JIAR),Jammu
Notification No. 100-BOPEE of 2023 dated 23-10-2023.
In pursuance of Notification No. 100-BOPEE of 2023 dated 23-10-2023, all those candidates who had qualified AIAPGET 2023 were asked to register themselves online and to fill the online preferences in the Application Form available on the official website of BOPEE w.e.f. 24-10-2023 to 31-10-2023 and upload all the necessary documents on official website of BOPEE (www.jkbopee.gov.in) along with the result card of AIAPGET-2023 for verification by the Board.
The list of candidates provisionally selected / waiting list for admission to MD/MS Ayurveda-2023 in Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research (JIAR), Jammu on the basis of their merit cum-preferences filled by them in their Online Registration Form is hereby notified as per Annexure-A to this notification, which shall be available on the official website of the Board viz. www.jkbopee.gov.in only.
The admission of candidates shall be purely provisional and liable to be cancelled in case any information furnished by any candidate(s) proves to be false / fabricated and action as warranted under law shall be initiated against them.
The provisionally selected candidates are hereby advised to report in the Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research (JIAR) up to 13th of November, 2023 (till 04.00 p.m.) for completion of admission formalities.
It shall be the sole responsibility of the College to allow the candidates to join the College/Course only after proper check and verification of the following original certificates/documents and in case, if any, deficiency is found in the documents of any candidate(s), such candidate shall not be allowed to join :-
1. Score card of AIAPGET 2023.
2. Date of Birth (Matriculation Certificate from the Board of School Education), if required.
3. Domicile Certificate of the candidates selected under OM category
4. Marks sheets of all BAMS Examinations.
5. Documentary proof of having completed one year Pre-registration Compulsory Rotatory Internship in a duly Recognized Institution, otherwise an undertaking by the candidate(s) as mentioned in Notification No.100-BOPEE of 2023 dated 23-10-2023.
6. Registration Certificate from J&K Medical Council/CCIM, otherwise an undertaking by the candidate(s) as mentioned in Notification No.100-BOPEE of 2023 dated 23-10-2023..
7. Valid identity card (Passport, Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Driving License etc.)
8. Any other document as may be required by the College.
Further, in case, if any, candidate from the provisionally selected candidates fails to join up to the prescribed cut-off date fixed by the Board i.e. 13-11-2023, the waiting list shall be operated by the college w.e.f. 14-11-2023 to 15-11-2023 till 04:00 p.m. and the College Authority shall admit candidates mentioned in the waiting list for admission to the discipline strictly as per the quota i.e.
AIQ / MQ and on the basis of merit-cum-preference after due check and verification of the documents as indicated
herein above against the shortfall, if any.
The College shall forward the final list of admitted candidates under proper category/quota (AIQ / MQ/OM) to the Board on 15-11-2023 till 5.00 p.m. through e-mail helpdeskjakbopee@gmail.com/coejakbopee@gmail.com.
The Annexure A to this Notification shall remain available on website of BOPEE only.
The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as mentioned in various Communications/Notifications issued by the Government of India, Government of J&K and J&K BOPEE from time to time in this regard.
Further Details :