JKSSB Final Selection List OUT For Junior Engineer Download Pdf

JKSSB Final Selection List OUT For Junior Engineer Download Pdf -The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board has released Final Selection List of candidates for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Jal Shakti Department, UT Cadre, advertised vide Notification No. 05 of 2021 dated 22.09.2021, under Item No. 689.

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The Jal Shakti Department, vide Indent No. JSD/NGJ/65/2021 dated 10.08.2021, referred 163 Posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), to the J&K Services Selection Board, which were subsequently put to advertisement vide Notification No. 05 of 2021 dated 22.09.2021, as per the following category-wise break-up:

– Open Merit: 81
– Scheduled Caste: 13
– Scheduled Tribe: 17
– Other Scheduled Castes: 7
– ALC/IB: 7
– RBA: 16
– PSP: 6
– EWS: 16
Total 163

The requisite qualification for selection against these posts, as per the Indent/advertisement, is given as under:

“03 years diploma in Civil Engineering from Government recognized Institute/Indian University, Degree in Civil Engineering, AMIE Section (A&B) INDIA.”

The cut-off/last date for applying for these posts, and for determining the eligibility of the candidates for purpose educational/category benefit etc., was 17.11.2021. Accordingly, the JKSSB conducted Written Examination for these posts on 05.12.2022 to 06.12.2022 in CBT mode and based on the performance of the candidates, the Result/Score- sheet of the candidates was notified vide No. JKSSB-COEGEXAM(UT)/54/2022-03 (7057013) dated 04.11.2023.

After the publication of Result/Score-sheet, the candidates, falling under the consideration zone, were called for Document Verification vide Notification No. COE0EXAM(UT)/54/2022-03 (7057013) dated 27.12.2023, at both Jammu & Srinagar on 01.01.2024, followed by supplementary DV on 04.01.2024.

The JKSSB, vide Order No. 03-SSB of 2024 dated 03.01.2024, constituted a Selection Committee for preparing the Selection List for the 163 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil). The said Selection Committee, upon careful scrutiny of the Indent/advertisement, prepared the Provisional Selection List for these posts in accordance with the merit and Eligibility of the candidates as per the extant rules.

The Provisional Selection List, as prepared by the aforesaid Selection Committee, for these posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Jal Shakti Department was placed before the Board in its 255th meeting held on 12.01.2024, which, after due deliberations and consideration of the matter, approved its notification.

The Provisional Selection List for the aforesaid 163 posts of Jr. Engineer, JSD was notified vide No. JKSSB-Scry/1/2024-03(E-7384220) dated 14.01.2024, seeking objections from the candidates. In the Provisional Selection List, a total 11 cases were kept withheld for various reasons.

Whereas, pursuant to the above, various representations were received in the Board, which were examined as per the available record/extant guidelines. However, among the withheld candidature, it was observed that only four candidates had submitted the requisite documents and, accordingly, vide Notice dated 20.01.2024, the remaining candidates, whose recommendations were kept withheld in the aforementioned Provisional Selection List and who had failed to submit sufficient documents, were advised to submit the requisite documents.

The response to the Notice has also been examined for necessary action as per the available record.

Whereas, the proposal for notifying the Final Selection List for the aforesaid 163 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Jal Shakti Department, advertised vide Notification No. 05 of 2021 dated 22.09.2021, as prepared by the concerned Selection Committee was placed in the Board in its 256 meeting held on 23.01.2024, which after deliberation on various aspects, approved its notification.

Now, therefore, the Final Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Jal Shakti Department advertised vide Notification No. 05 of 2021 dated 22.09.2021, under Item No. 689, is hereby notified as per Annexure-A to this Notification.

It is further notified that: 

  • (1) The above Final Selection List shall be subject to outcome of the OAs/Writ Petition(s), if any, pending adjudication before any Competent Court of law.
  • (2) The List shall also be subject to the outcome of such enquiry, involving any candidate(s), as figuring in this List.
  • (3) The formal recommendations to the concerned Indenting Department shall be forwarded separately.
  • (4) The candidates whose recommendations are kept withheld shall submit the requisite documents/certificates within a period of one month.
  • (5) The Selection of the candidates has been made on the basis of Self- declaration/Certificates submitted by them and if at any stage, it comes to the light that any candidate(s) has submitted false information or has secured selection on the basis of fake documents/certificates, the selection shall be liable to cancellation at any stage.

Final Selection List of candidates for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Jal Shakti Department, UT Cadre, advertised vide Notification No. 05 of 2021 dated 22.09.2021, under Item No. 689

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