Promotion 3016 Masters as Headmasters in School Education Department jk

The School Education Department has issued an order for the regularization and promotion of Masters who have worked or are currently working as lower cadre (l/c) Headmasters and equivalent positions, to the role of Headmasters and equivalent positions.

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Notification: In accordance with SAC Decision No. 166/22/2018, dated 07.12.2018, and based on the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee as per Government Order No.115-GAD of 2019, dated 23.01.2019, approval is granted for the promotion and regularization of Masters (worked/working as l/c Headmasters & equivalent) to the position of Headmasters and equivalent in the School Education Department. The details of the promoted individuals are outlined in Annexure-‘A’ attached to this order, with their relevant pay scale as per the revised norms, effective from the respective dates mentioned.

It is important to note that the promotion and regularization are subject to the outcome of any pending writ petitions in competent courts or any ongoing cases in the Vigilance Organization or Crime Branch.

The promotion and regularization are further subject to the following conditions:

i) The officer must have worked or is currently working as a l/c Headmaster or equivalent.
ii) The notional promotion is solely for the purpose of safeguarding seniority and does not entail any monetary benefits.
iii) The Drawing & Disbursing Officers must obtain a sworn affidavit from the concerned officer, attested by a 1st Class Magistrate, stating that if their service details or academic credentials are found to be fake, forged, tampered, or issued by an unrecognized university, or if the course is later proven to be unrecognized, the officer shall have no claim for regularization, and the regularization order issued in their favor shall be considered null and void without further notice.
iv) The concerned Drawing & Disbursing Officers must obtain the Last Pay Certificate (LPC) and other relevant details of the incumbents from the Drawing & Disbursing Officer of their parent offices before determining the pay of these officers according to the relevant revised pay scales.
v) The concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officers must strictly adhere to the instructions provided by the Finance Department in their communication No. A/23(08)-IB-184, pertaining to the disbursement of time-barred arrears.

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