lemon on face tremendous glow pimples and Acne disappear overnight

 lemon on face tremendous glow pimples and acne  disappear overnight

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lemon on face tremendous glow pimples and Acne disappear overnight
lemon on face tremendous glow pimples and Acne disappear overnight


Use lemon on face tremendous glow, and pimples and acne on the face will disappear overnight


Skincare TIPS: Best home remedies of lemon will give a tremendous glow, and pimples and acne on the face will disappear overnight


Skincare TIPS: If you want glowing skin, then take the help of lemon. It is very beneficial for health as well as skin. Experts say that lemon is used a lot for making food tasty as well as for the face—the nutrients of lemon help in improving the complexion by deep cleaning the skin.

How is lemon beneficial for the skin?


Lemon is beneficial for the skin due to the specialty of its nutrients. Many nutrients like potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and chlorine are found in lemon, which is considered very beneficial for the skin. All these improve the skin tone and remove spots and pimples from the face.

Apply lemon on the face in these 4 ways

Now the question comes how to use lemon on the face. You must have seen that most people mix lemon in face packs, while some people use it with sugar. Let us know below how you can use lemon on the face for glowing skin.

1. Benefits of applying lemon-turmeric on the face

Applying lemon turmeric paste on the face removes freckles. Clean the skin thoroughly before using it. Turmeric is full of medicinal properties, which also remove wrinkles.

2. Do not apply lemon on the face with these things

Lemon should not be applied with soda, gram flour, raw coconut oil, or glycerin on the face. Because this can increase the problem of pimples, acne, and freckles. Avoid using it if your skin is sensitive.


3. Scrub the face with lemon and sugar

Scrubbing the face with the help of lemon and sugar helps to get rid of pimples and acne. Mix sugar in your lemon juice and use it like a scrub, after that apply aloe vera gel on the face. This closes the pores of the skin and makes the skin soft.

4. Benefits of applying lemon-rice flour

Applying lemon and rice flour on the face makes the skin deep clean. This helps in both brightening and tightening the face.

Keep this in mind while applying lemon to the face

If you are going to apply lemon on the face, do not apply it directly on the face. Before this, take a patch test on the part of the hand or body. From this, it will be known that you are not itching, or burning, if this happens then do not use lemon on the face.

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