JKSSB Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2023: Apply for 200+ Posts.

JKSSB Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2023

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JKSSB Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2023: _Recently, on December 8, 2023, the Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) released Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2023, encouraging qualified women to apply for a variety of District Cadre positions within the Social Welfare Department. The goal of this programme is to hire people directly to fill 201 open positions.
The following are the essential facts and details that potential candidates should be aware of:

Crucial Dates

Online application forms will open on December 15, 2023, and must be submitted by January 14, 2024.

JKSSB Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2023:: Position Specifics .

Annexure A of the announcement lists the open posts, their corresponding cadre, pay scale, and distribution by category. It is recommended that candidates go over this section to gain a thorough understanding of the responsibilities and prerequisites.

JKSSB Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2023:: Qualification Standards.

Candidates must fulfil the requirements and standards outlined in Annexure A in order to be considered for participation in the selection process. To make sure that the requirements are being followed, it is imperative that you thoroughly read over this section.

JKSSB Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2023:: The Application Procedure

Within the allotted period, interested and qualified female candidates may apply online at www.ssb.nic.in, the official JKSSB website. The deadline for submissions is January 14, 2024, and the online application window opens on December 15, 2023.

Supplementary Records.

In summary
With this statement from JKSSB, eligible female candidates have a great chance to support the Social Welfare Department in Jammu & Kashmir. Prospective candidates are advised to thoroughly read the notification in order to make sure they meet the requirements before submitting an application. As the submission deadline is January 14, 2024, interested individuals should move quickly to take advantage of this opportunity to join the committed team at the Social Welfare Department.

The JKSSB website (www.ssb.nic.in) is the official place for candidates to get more information and to access the online application portal.

This programme not only provides opportunities for professional advancement but also highlights the government of Jammu & Kashmir’s resolve to bolster the Social Welfare Department by hiring capable and committed personnel.

It is advisable to frequently visit the official website in order to stay informed about any revisions or new details regarding the hiring procedure.

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